Our Products

Berbere (Ethiopian pepper and spice mix)

This type of Pepper is the pivot of the Ethio/Eritrean Cuisine and is used as a universal seasoning for most of read sauces, meats, vegetables and legumes. Harvested in Ethiopia, this deep red chili pepper is blended with sun dried organic shallots, ginger, garlic,Sacred basil(Bessobela), Black Cardamom(Korerima), Ruta Graveolens(Tena Adam) and various wild culinary herbs and spices.
Our Berbere meets all the EU standards with the level of Afaltoxin and other requirements.

Korerima (Black Cardamom)

Korerima is a frequently used spice in red sauces and in meat delicacies. Cardamom has a distinctly astringent aroma, similar to mint. it is used in Berbere powder, in seasoning butter and other chili blends. The therapeutic properties of cardamom-oil have found application in many traditional medicines and antiseptic , antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic and tonic.

Tena Adam/ Ruta Graveolens (Rue)

Rue, Common Name for a medium-size family of flowering plants, mostly shrubs and trees, and of its representative genus.
It is used in Brazil as the key ingredient in homemade herbal cough syrup, when mashed with caramelised sugar and honey. It also Stimulates uterus and promotes menstruation; for hysteria, epilepsy, vertigo, colic, multiple sclerosis, intestinal worms and eye problems, anti-hypertensive, nervousness.

Mitten Shiro

Shero is chick pea flour blended with turmeric, shallots, red onions, ginger, garlic and bessobella ( sacred basil). This legume blend is a very popular vegan dish, it is tasty and easy to make. Shiro is an essential part of the Ethio-Eritrean cuisine. It is a favourite during the fasting seasons. Shiro is great source of protein; and when combined with vegetables and tomato salad shiro-based meals provide almost all of the average daily requirements of total, vitamin, C and K. Include the goodness of Teff and the meal will have additional micronutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin B6

Tikur Azmud (Black Cumin)

One of the Special Spices known for their distinctive aroma, cumin seeds are popular in North African, Middle Eastern, Western Chinese, Indian, Ethiopian, Cuban and Northern Mexican cuisines.
The Spice is native to middle-east Asian region and now grown all over the world for its flavourful seeds. The cumin plant flourishes well in sandy, fertile soil along with hot summer weather conditions. It bears small, grey-yellow colour, oblong shaped seeds with vertical ridges on their outer surface; that closely resembles caraway seeds in appearance. This spice is excellent source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Copperis required in the production of red blood cells. Iron ir required for red blood cell formation. Zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme, super oxide dismutase. The spice also contains very good amounts of B-complex vitamins such a thiamin, vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin and other vital anti-oxidant vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin A and C.

Netch Azmude (Caraway Seed/ Bishop's Weed)

Caraway has been called by many names in different regions, with names deriving from Latin cuminum (cumin), the Greek Karon ( again cumin), which was adapted into Latin as carum (now meaning caraway), and the Sanskirt karavi, sometimes translated as "caraway" but other times understood to mean Fennel. Caraway contains several health benefiting essential oils. Principle volatile compounds are carvone , limonene, carveol, pinen, cumininic aldehyde, furfurol and thujone. These active principles in the caraway seeds are known to have antioxidant, digestive, carminative and anti-flatulent properties. Caraway has several health benefiting flavonoid antioxidants such as lutein, carotene, crypto-xanthin and zea-xanthin. These compounds are indeed functions as powerful anti-oxidants by removing harmful free radicals from the body thus protect from cancers, infection, aging and degenerative neurological diseases.

Abish (Fenugreek)

Strongly aromatic and flavourful fenugreek seeds are popular spices widely used for their well recognized for culinary as well as medical properties. Traditionally, fenugreeks are being used to cure digestive problems and to improve breast milk secretion in the nursing mothers. Fenugreek seeds are rich source of minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients. 100g seeds provide 323 calories.
The seeds are very good source of soluble dietary fibre.
Senafitch (Mustard Seed)
Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants. Mustard seeds may be coloured from yellowish white to black. They are important spices in many regional foods. Mustard seeds have been highly praised medicinal as well as culinary spice being in use since ancient times.
Mustard seeds and its oil has traditionally been used to relieve muscle pain, rheumatism and arthritic pain. In India mustard oil  is applied over scalp and is believed to stimulate hair growth. its ground seeds act as a laxative, stimulant to gastric mucosa and increase intestinal secretion.

Tosign (Abyssinian Thyme)

Thyme Herb is packed with numerous health benefiting phyto-nutrients (plant derived compounds), minerals and vitamins that are essential for wellness. Thyme generally planted in the spring and thereafter grows perennial. It can be propagated be see, cuttings or by dividing rooted sections of the plant. It tolerates drought well. The plants can take deep freezes and are found growing wild on mountain highlands. Along the Riviera it is found from sea level and up to 800m. Thyme leaves offer significant levels of quality phyto-nutrients profile. Just 100g of fresh leaves provides(% of recommended daily allowance)  38% of dietary fibre, 27% of vitamin B-6(pyridoxine), 266% of vitamin C, 158% of vitamin A, 218% of Iron, 40% of calcium, 40% of magnesium and 75% of manganese but no cholesterol.